No Shame 1
Every emotion you feel is valid. This journey is deep. There is such beauty in the complex humanity you are witnessing within yourself. Let those feelings pour through you, and know that as a river is cleansed by the rain, so you will be too. You will change, this moment will change. Time is irrelevant because while the world moves on and your child grows and you stand up again you will always be- the one who brought life forth for this soul. You are power and love unhindered. You are liquid love and efferecent emotion. There is power, in even this. In this mess, in these tears, in these tired tired sighs. Let go of any conecept of shame. Reject the concept and the culture that tells you you must be, or do, or act, or say. You have choices and you are allowed to make them. Every day. You are wise, and capable, and just like in labor, you can do anything for a moment. Be patient while this moment runs its course, and hold your baby close. This too, the greif, the change, the PMADS, the stretching of body and soul. This too, is love.
How to color
Once you have downloaded the image, you can print it out for free at a local library, or at your home computer. If you would like me to mail you a paper copy instead, contact me for a custom order!
You could also choose to download a simple coloring program on a phone or tablet, and color the digital image.
There are $10 tablet coloring pens on amazon that work universally, and free programs that are easy to learn. Contact me for recomendations.
The great thing about digital downloads is you can use them again and again! Making variations of the art for your home, for gifts, and more.
I would love to see your finished work. Please send your submissions to be featured in my blog to
Important info
Please feel free to use this image again and again for coloring and art purposes within your home. If you desire to use this image with a large group, educationally, recreationally, or in a professional setting, please consider donating a courtesty tip to my Oriana fund. I accept paypal, cashapp, venmo ~username: wildwoodbirth
All rights of this image belong to Wildwood Birthkeeper CordeliaGrey Oriana Allen, please do not share the digital file except within your own home.
Thank you so much for respecting my time and valuing my art <3
ALL profits go toawrds allowing me to be able to honor, hold space for, and serve mothers in need in my local community. This is part of my Oriana Wildwood Fund.